What the fuck is Blogger doing with it's fucking disabled image by the side of the Word Verification on comments posting?
Fucking hell. What a stupid bunch of fucking cunts.
If they're going to help people with visual disabilities THEN THEY SHOULD USE A FUCKING SYMBOL THAT REPRESENTS VISUAL DISABILITY


Stupid Cunts
There's a disability sign? How does it feel?
Swollen and numb, Good D., swollen and numb.
like the blind give two fucks what the symbol looks like!
braile on a drivethrough atm
How are the blind supposed to know it's there? Fucker hasn't made a sound or talked to me yet.
I know -- isn't the damned thing supposed to have sound?! Erm... some help that will be...
Me find it odd that when you say you quit you get all them odd and funny comments that build and build and now that you say you just gonna post when you want, you get 5 comments in a month.
Cuntish fuck! I meant to say seven.
Well it's fucking eight now, but the joke's ruined.
Thanks a fucking bunch Monstee!
Yeah, well it seems the easiest way to die is just to sit quiet for a whie then every fucker ignores you and forgets you exist.
I will remember you to the grave, you bastard.
You would think that El B... but then you gotta take into account that some dumb fuck makes stray comment on you sitting quiet blog and whole thing starts up all over again!
You welcome fucking bunch DOC M! You was wrong in eight where you say you meant to say seven cause in seven when you said six it was right cause in six me was saying five in the month which me was still in so it DID make it six but you was clearly out of month when you say six in seven so although it was seven you was still correct when you say six. Good for you! Although this am twelve now so it don't mean shit.
Monstee that was exactly what I was trying to say. What a psychic bond we share.
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